Friday, April 08, 2005

Uh oh! here it comes...

Originally uploaded by enduring hegemony.
Okay, I realize that Tom DeLay is not the Devil -nor is he Hitler. GRANTED. But one could argue he is certainly a Hitleresque in his rationale and demonic in nature.

From the man who supports BOTH war in Iraq AND "culture of life" - the same guy who has said, "My friends, there is no Palestinian-Israeli conflict. There is only the global war on terrorism."

"I am the federal government."


"I have seen these liberal psychologists and sociologists talk about there is no need for the man in the family. The woman can take care of it. A woman can take care of the family. It takes a man to provide structure. To provide stability."

- From a radio interview. His wife, Christine DeLay quickly asked to "edit this out," then turned to Tom and said: "This is not a good thing for you to be saying."

But don't worry folks the hits just keep on coming! DeLay is really upset at the courts for not doing what he wants and has made it his personal mission to take away power from the Judicial Branch. As our friend Dave said a few post earlier- Checks and Balances? Who needs em!

From the NY Times :
Mr. DeLay criticized Congress as failing to act vigorously enough. "I believe the judiciary branch of our government has overstepped its authority on countless occasions, overturning and in some cases just ignoring the legitimate will of the people," he said. "Legislatures for too long have in effect washed our hands on controversial issues from abortion to religious expression to racial prejudice, leaving them to judges who we then excoriate for legislating from the bench. This era of constitutional cowardice must end."

This is my absolute favorite! From the same group that brought us the patriot act comes the words- "This era of constitutional cowardice must end!" Oh and this! Impeaching judges deemed to have ignored the will of Congress! Where in the hell do we live?I think I understand the logic- We are going to take away the balance part of the checks and balance system so that we can better enforce the constitution that we incessantly work to poke holes through so that we we do have move power we can make you observe our religion in public and take away the right of women to make decisions about their own bodies! It makes perfect sense to me. We need to spread this freedom people! I am no longer against invading other countries.

Also from the NY Times:
The organizers of the conference and Congressional staff members who spoke there called for several specific steps: impeaching judges deemed to have ignored the will of Congress or to have followed foreign laws; passing bills to remove court jurisdiction from certain social issues or the place of God in public life; changing Senate rules that allow the Democratic minority to filibuster Mr. Bush's appeals court nominees; and using Congress's authority over court budgets to punish judges whom it considers to have overstepped their authority.

"I am in favor of impeachment," Michael Schwartz, chief of staff to Senator Tom Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma, said in a panel discussion on abortion, suggesting "mass impeachment" might be needed.

From :

Republican Majority Leader Rep. Tom DeLay has a pattern of legal and ethical scandals. Yet he remains in one of the most important positions in our government—deciding what legislation Congress considers. Sign our petition to urge Congress to fire Tom DeLay as Majority Leader.
Sign It!


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