Friday, February 25, 2005


Sorry for the lack of posting lately. Too much to do before spring break. He is a little cartoon I found on Harpers. Enjoy!

Originally uploaded by enduring hegemony.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Time to Tighten Our Belts

Originally uploaded by enduring hegemony.
Veto is the word of the day folks. It seems King George may be using his first in his tenure as president to ensure his budget proposal passes and to keep congress in line.
Why wouldn't his budget pass one might ask? Because it is basically a huge fuck you to poor people. Facing cuts are Medicaid, education, food stamps and veterans health programs. All things that people with money don't have to worry about. And to add insult to injury George and Rummy are hiding a boatload of money in the budget for more spending in Iraq. It all makes sense if you really think about it. In order to better serve America it is important that we cut spending on things like health care and education so we can sustain tax cuts that benefit those who can afford to drive hummers and spend 40 more million on weapons to kill Iraqis. Why wouldn't that pass?

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

for a chuckle

Q: How many Bush Administration officials does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A: None. There is nothing wrong with the light bulb; its conditions
are improving every day. Any reports of its lack of incandescence are
a delusional spin from the liberal media. That light bulb has served
honorably, and anything you say undermines the lighting effect. Why do you hate freedom?

Monday, February 07, 2005

Next Stop- Iran!

Originally uploaded by enduring hegemony.
The next stop on our "who to bomb next" tour is who else but those pesky Iranians. After the undoubted success of Iraq we have figured out the world is OUR oyster.
Doing all they can to get us ready Bush and Cheney make their case for war with Iran. Condi doesnt rule it out either.
It is amazing to me that one of the most outspoken opponents to our current role in world politics is a Republican Congressman from Texas! Click the link to read his entire editorial.

Here is an excerpt from his remarks:
"Sadly, though, when governments, politicians, and bureaucrats make mistakes and refuse to reexamine them, there is little the victims can do to correct things. Since the bully pulpit and the media propaganda machine are instrumental in government cover-ups and deception, the final truth emerges slowly, and only after much suffering. The arrogance of some politicians, regulators, and diplomats actually causes them to become even more aggressive and more determined to prove themselves right, to prove their power is not to be messed with by never admitting a mistake. Truly, power corrupts!

The unwillingness to ever reconsider our policy of foreign intervention, despite obvious failures and shortcomings over the last 50 years, has brought great harm to our country and our liberty. Historically, financial realities are the ultimate check on nations bent on empire. Economic laws ultimately prevail over bad judgment. But tragically, the greater the wealth of a country, the longer the flawed policy lasts. We'll probably not be any different." By Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)
God I hope that more of our representatives follow his lead!

Saturday, February 05, 2005

something to get you into the mood

Originally uploaded by enduring hegemony.
No, not that mood. i just wanted to throw this one out at you guys. I just got this album and it kicks ass. Listen Here Saul Williams So here is a little posty post with the lyric to my favorite song on the album. Download it, burn it, steal it whatever- just listen to it. I have been seeing the video for List of Demands Quite a bit. Check him out and enjoy!

Lyrics from Act III scene 2 (shakespeare)

I didn't vote for this state of affairs. My emotional state's got me prostrate, fearing my fears. In all reality I'm under prepared. 'Cause I'm ready for war but not sure if I'm ready to care. And that's why I'm under prepared. 'Cause I'm ready to fight, but most fights have me fighting back tears. 'Cause the truth is really I'm scared. Not scared of the truth, but just scared of the length you'll go to fight it. I tried to hold my tongue, son. I tried to bite it. I'm not trying to start a riot or incite it. 'Cause Brutus is an honorable man. It's just coincidence that oil men would wage war on an oil rich land. And this one goes out to my man, taking cover in the trenches with a gun in his hand, then gets home and no one flinches when he can't feed his fam. But Brutus is an honorable man.

Spit for the hated, the reviled, the unrefined, the no ones, the nobodies, the last in line.
Spit for the hated, the reviled, the unrefined, the no ones, the nobodies, the last in line.

If you have tears prepare to shed them now. For you share the guilt of blood spilt in accordance with the Dow Jones. Dow drops fresh crop skull and bones. A machete in the heady: Hutu, Tutsi, Leone. An Afghani in a shanty. Doodle dandy yank on! An Iraqi in Gap khaki. Coca Coma come on! Be ye bishop or pawn, in the streets or the lawn, you should know that these example could go on and on and what since does it make to keep your ears to the street? As long as oils in the soil, truth is never concrete. So we dare to represent those with the barest of feet. 'Cause the laws to which we're loyal keep the soil deplete. It's our job to not let history repeat.

Spit for the hated, the reviled, the unrefined, the no ones, the nobodies, the last in line.
Spit for the hated, the reviled, the unrefined, the no ones, the nobodies, the last in line.

So here's the plan. The ides of march are always at hand. And when the power hungry strike, they strike the poorest of man. And if you dare put up a fight, they'll come and fight for your land. And they'll call it liberation or salvation. A call to the youth! Your freedom ain't so free, it's just loose. but the power of your voice could redirect every truth. Shift and shape the world you want and keep your fears in a noose. Let them dangle from a banner star spangled. I'm willing and able. To lift my dreams up out of their cradle. Nurse and nurture my ideals 'til they're much more than a fable. I can be all I can be and do much more than I'm paid to. And I won't be a slave to what authorities say do. My desire is to live within a nation on fire, where creative passions burn and raise the stakes ever higher. Where no person is addicted top some twisted supplier who promotes the sort of freedom sold to the highest buyer. We demand a truth naturally at one with the land, not a plant that photosynthesizes bombs on demand, or a search for any weapons we let fall from our hands. I got beats and a plan. I'm gonna do what I can. And what you do is question everything they say do, every goal ideal or value they keep pushing on you. If they ask you to believe it question whether it's true. If they ask you to achieve, is it for them or for you. You're the one they're asking to go carry a gun. Warfare ain't humanitarian. You're scaring me, son. Why not fight to feed the homeless, jobless, fight inflation?! Why not fight for our own healthcare and our education?! And instead, invest in that erasable lead, 'cause their twisted propaganda can't erase all the dead. And the pile of corpses pyramid on top of our heads. Or nevermind, said the shotgun to the head.

Friday, February 04, 2005

The Man in Charge

Originally uploaded by enduring hegemony.
Damn- thanks to King George we missed our chance to get rid of Rummy! Ostensibly Rumsfeld offered his resignation twice in light of the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal last year. Thanks George.

Read This

Thursday, February 03, 2005

The maniacal gay advocate himself

Originally uploaded by enduring hegemony.
When is Sponge Bob going to learn? Jesus hates gay people. Thanks to our friends on the Right everybody else will learn this too. I really think they have a point. I mean really why would Jesus, the embodiment of God in Man the definition of love and compassion ever want to promote tolerance in our children? They made the choice to be gay and I don't want todays youth to being exposed to all those gay germs!
Okay. In all seriousness, what kind of country do we live in when this is a quote from the president "Look, we are a great society because we're a free society," Bush said. But added: "On the other hand, it is very important for there to be limits .. to what parents have to explain to their children."
Explain what to their children? That homosexuality is a fact of life- that no matter how much you go to church or look down your nose at people it is always going to be a fact of life? You may have to explain to your kids that it isnt wrong its just not heterosexual. That it isnt a choice?
Leave it to evangelical christians to be so unbelievably satanic. The creator of sponge Bob actually had to point out that a sponge is asexual!

Sponge Bob Gay Pants

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

BAH!!! A Blog is Born

Hegemony: the dominance of one group over other groups, with or without the threat of force, to the extent that, for instance, the dominant party can dictate the terms of trade to its advantage; or more broadly, that cultural perspectives become skewed to favor the dominant group.
Much like we see today (state of the union?) hegemony is not only enduring but it is thriving. How else could you explain the ghastly imp we call our president? In order to maintain what I like to think of as sanity I propose this blog as an outlet for all things subversive, humorous, and informational.